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Our intervention in Nepal focuses on the poorest and most remote areas, which lack road infrastructure and electricity. It aims to guarantee girls and boys the right to quality education and healthcare while also respecting gender equality. We help children to attend school and provide them with meals, clothes, games and supplies. We offer them regular medical checkups, and we support schools in terms of both infrastructure and teacher training.
In the districts of Chitwan and Makwanpur, the lack of arable land, the high unemployment rate and the low level of education are the main problems afflicting families. Communities lack basic infrastructure and services such as roads, hospitals, markets and schools.
Girls are traditionally encouraged to marry at a young age (14/15), while boys are forced to work in restaurants or as domestic workers to increase the family’s income:
the school dropout rate is consequently very high, even at the primary education stage.
In the districts of Lalitpur and Kathmandu, the girls and boys who receive our support come from the poorest and most marginal neighbourhoods. Their parents are often immigrants, employed in menial jobs and trying to survive from one day to the next, sometimes without a roof over their heads. In the majority of cases, they do not have an education and are unable to provide for their children.
Our initiatives safeguard the rights of disadvantaged people while at the same time promoting harmonious development and better opportunities for growth in the community as a whole. We also run projects to support women who are victims of the civil war, helping them to reclaim their rights and finally obtain justice.
Our long-standing presence in the area and our knowledge of the country also allowed us to intervene immediately to meet the basic needs of those affected by the earthquake in April 2015.